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Yvan Byeajee

Yvan has been trading since 2006. With thousands of trades under his belt, he has learned the hard way what works in the market and what doesn't―and his passion is to share that knowledge with others. Yvan is also a certified meditation teacher with several years of experience in the practice of meditation. He likes to reflect on matters pertaining to trading and investment psychology; he shares his insights with thousands of people on Twitter―@TradingComposur― and on his blog―Tradingcomposure.com.

Yvan Byeajee

It Takes A Tranquil and Untroubled Mind to Navigate The Market Successfully.

Manage Risk, Live A Life Of Self-Growth, And Turn Your Passion Into Profits.

… Is It Even Possible?

Trading for a Living

Trading For A Living... That title sure sounds scammy AF. But I assure you, this course is anything but that.

Know this: Yes, trading for a living is possible. Absolutely! This is what I do, and I know many others that do it too.

But make no mistake, it’s not as easy as some people would want you to believe. In fact, it’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever learn to do.

My name is Yvan Byeajee, and I’ve been trading for a living since 2006. Now, I’ve got to admit, I wasn’t always trading profitably. At first, trading was an uphill battle for me. I was an average trader… and average traders lose money.

Consistently profitable traders are anything but average. They’re outliers because trading is a high-performance endeavor―much like high-performance sports.

So, learning to remain consistently profitable in trading requires ongoing work. 

One of two pieces of good news is that we can all learn that. The other good news is that when you’ve acquired the skills, profitable trading becomes much (much!) easier—a bit like second nature.

A Potentially Lucrative And Fulfilling Career

Financial markets are such an interesting playground. Whether the issues at hand are possible shifts in global monetary policies, geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, great depressions, great recoveries, gridlocks in Washington, there’s always something for traders to capitalize on.

It’s a real privilege to be able to think about these worldly events, strategize around them, assess where the risks and opportunities are, make money and live a well-rounded life.

The Trading For A Living Course is for those who want to learn how to run a successful trading business and live off their money.

It showcases proven best practices to take you out of the gambling paradigm and turn you into a money-making professional trader.

To be clear, this course is not about wishful thinking, but about applying rational evidence-based practices that casinos use to keep the odds in their favor.

Rather than sharing a trading strategy, what I really want to help you accomplish here is to adopt a mindset that helps you go through your own unique trading journey with more structure, confidence, and ease.

In essence, in this course, you’re going to learn how to get rich slowly.

What Is Offered In The Trading For A Living Course

Simply put, I will show you a proper and proven approach to trading for a living. 

Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll learn:

✔ I’ll reflect back at you some realities about trading for a living, and I will show you what’s the best way to go about this journey and maximize your chances of success.

✔ I’ll show you what consistency is and what it takes to sustain it.

✔ I’ll show you how to cut your learning curve and make giant leaps of progress in a shorter period of time.

✔ When you trade for a living, you must focus on balance and emotional preservation. I’ll show you how to do that.

✔ I’ll show what you can do to weather trading drawdowns that are just part and parcel of trading. This will help decrease performance anxiety and allow you to remain focused on the process of trading well.

Trading for a living can be very fulfilling and profitable IF you’re doing it right. 

And most people do it wrong. 

But in this course, I will lay down the foundations for you to get it right.

An Inspirational Course Packed With Actionable Insights

The Trading for a Living Course is not your typical trading course –like the ones you see online with a beautiful picture of a person lying on a beach with their laptop and cocktail in hand. 

No… actually, my goal here is to offer something that’s realistic and inspirational, minus the pipe dream.

We’ll look at how to set up a proven process akin to the one that casinos use to keep the odds in their favor. And we’ll also see how you can get yourself to actually stick with that process.

Let me tell you what this course is not about: once again, it is not about a trading strategy or system. I won’t show you how to create one, how to read charts, place a trade, etc. 

The prerequisite before taking this course is that you should know the basics of trading–technical analysis, risk management, execution, etc.–and ideally, you should already have a proven trading system.

If you don’t have one, I’ll be sharing a few of them soon in another course… but the Trading for a Living Course is really about the structure that you need to put in place to make trading for a living possible and stay on the path of profitability.

There are many courses that purport to teach you a trading strategy that will deliver winning trades after winning trades. But where these courses fall short is by not teaching you the most important part which is the process that keeps you from sabotaging your results because of emotions, ego, or ignorance.

In this course, that’s exactly what you’re going to learn. 

I’m going to cover a ton of insights and share many actionable pieces of advice with you, and you’ll get a more holistic view of what trading for a living entails and how to make it happen for real.

I’ll also share a lot of the little adjustments that I’ve had to make here and there that have made all the difference for me. 

A lot of it isn’t mainstream in the trading world, and honestly, I don’t know why… but I want to share them with you so that you too can make those little adjustments and raise your odds of success.

Trading can be challenging. Consistency is about continually course-correcting and staying on the path of profitability. But we’re human, and sometimes we fall off the bandwagon. 

The Trading For A Living Course is timeless in that you can come back to it for inspiration and support so that you can remember the bigger picture and continually strive towards it, no matter the short-term difficulties. 

Maybe you don’t have a lot of experience in trading, or maybe you do; maybe you’ve lost a ton of money in the market, or maybe you’ve made a ton of money… whatever your current situation, if you want to learn how to create more consistency in your trading, then the Trading For A Living Course is for you.

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Course curriculum

  • 01


    • A Few Words Before We Begin…

    • Trading for a Living – What It Entails

  • 02

    Module 1 - Trading is a Business

    • Intro

    • How to Think Like Someone Who Trades For a Living

    • Success is a Plan, Not a Fickle Fantasy

    • A Blue Print For Being On The Right Side of The Market

    • A Tool to Quantify Your Strategy and Measure Your Progress

    • How Much Money do You Have, Need, and Are Willing to Risk

    • Risk Strategies for Small Trading Accounts

    • The Importance of Engagement

    • What Consistency of Outcome Means

    • Why The Average Trader Fails | Charting a Different Path for Yourself

  • 03

    Module 2 - The Pursuit of Mastery

    • Intro

    • The Secret of The Pros

    • A Methodical Approach to Improving Your Game

    • Trading is a Game of Inches | Steps to Support Your Growth

    • How to Consistently Set the Tone for a Good Trading Day

    • Your Life’s Mission

  • 04

    Module 3 - Money Management and Income Diversification

    • Intro

    • The Importance of Cash Reserves

    • Leveraging Your Expertise

    • My Own Path With Trading Composure

    • Friend or Foe?

    • The Right Business Structure for You

  • 05


    • The 2-Year Countdown to Consistency

    • The Retirement Party Exercise

    • Trading is The Future

    • Q&A

    • Parting Words...

What's included?

The Trading For A Living Course

✔ Tons of insights.

✔ A trading plan template.

 A trade tracker with trade analytics.

 A comment section to ask questions.

Some Reviews...

andrew armour

5 star rating

“So many great insights, have to listen multiple times to note all the great points. Complete package”

“So many great insights, have to listen multiple times to note all the great points. Complete package”

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Otto Zatschek

5 star rating

“First of all: the course really contains what its title makes you expect from it! And this is symptomatic for Yvan’s style: open, honest, direct - and absolutely realistic. Yvan does not sell anything: he just explains, what works for him - and ...”

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“First of all: the course really contains what its title makes you expect from it! And this is symptomatic for Yvan’s style: open, honest, direct - and absolutely realistic. Yvan does not sell anything: he just explains, what works for him - and what can work for anybody. And to avoid any wrong expectations: it is NOT a trading course in itself, like the hundreds of courses out there. Yvan does not talk markets, strategies, financial products etc. In the first part of the course he openly describes his style of daytrading as a showcase. It is a clever, yet easy short term strategy, which uses options in aquite uncommon way - very creative. And he explains the reasons for all the characteristics of his strategy. Worth reading as a source of food for thoughts anyway! Yet Yvan admits that trading for approx 10 hours per week might deliver good results in the long run, but with some variation shorter term. You will not make the same amount of profit month after month, there will be stronger and weaker results, depending on the market. Yvan compensates for that with the creation and sales of trading-based products and services, namely books or courses. For him the “trading business” is the total of all trading related activities that finally lead to revenues and income. In the second part of the course Yvan gets into all the details of the non-trading parts of his trading business: his experiences, things he learned, suggestions how he would do it today, and many, many useful information. Even if you are only interested in minor parts of these topics, the wealth of information and experience is enough reason to take this course. To make a long review short: this course is worth every penny! Having read some 50+ books about trading and ran through many courses, trainings, etc, I have to say that this is one of the very, very best, and 100% recommendable!!! I personally would suggest to visit Yvan’s course about Trading Psychology prior to this one - or to read any of his books. It could deepen the understanding, but it is not a must. ”

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shy solan

5 star rating

“Yvan, Thank you for this course. Even with my 20+ years of trading experience I have learned some new ideas and perspectives. The coures present the reality of trading, and some practical ways to mange the TRADING FOR A LIVING endeavour. Ove...”

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“Yvan, Thank you for this course. Even with my 20+ years of trading experience I have learned some new ideas and perspectives. The coures present the reality of trading, and some practical ways to mange the TRADING FOR A LIVING endeavour. Overall, the value that the course offer is many times more than its cost, so I recommend it with all my heart. Best Regards, Dr. Shy Solan”

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Patrick Hilley

5 star rating

“ I decided to seek the assistant of a course from Ivan after finding his posts on Twitter constantly hit the mark on places in my trading that seemed lacking. The structure of the course is very well laid out with the different audio, video and t...”

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“ I decided to seek the assistant of a course from Ivan after finding his posts on Twitter constantly hit the mark on places in my trading that seemed lacking. The structure of the course is very well laid out with the different audio, video and text modules keeping the material fresh. Ivan has a way of presenting the material in a simple easy to follow manner. The acid test was when I started to see results in my trading, the bad habits dropped of quickly (they do reappear so its a constant battle). The course wasn't long in paying for itself with that alone. I'd highly recommend the course to anyone but be warned. . . you get out what you put in! ”

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Carlos Mata

5 star rating

“Loved this course. I like the tone of voice of Yvan.. it lends itself for a good learning experience. I found the section on content creation extremely useful. Sound advice, which I'll follow. The course delivered what was expected.”

“Loved this course. I like the tone of voice of Yvan.. it lends itself for a good learning experience. I found the section on content creation extremely useful. Sound advice, which I'll follow. The course delivered what was expected.”

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Marie Micallef

5 star rating

“I have attended innumerable trading courses and workshops. I have bought software and systems, had trading mentors, traded options, stocks and mini futures and was a member of so many trading groups, but none of it worked, none of that turned me i...”

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“I have attended innumerable trading courses and workshops. I have bought software and systems, had trading mentors, traded options, stocks and mini futures and was a member of so many trading groups, but none of it worked, none of that turned me into a successful trader. WHY? Very few traders are truly successful and the ones who are rarely teach. Yvan Byeajee is one of the rare ones, who trades successfully for a living and teaches. He is authentic and honestly shows you how he trades for a living and also his journey which is very similar to mine, so I can attest to it ! Your life and hence your trading career is dependent on your beliefs, your emotional state and your mental strategies. Trading is 100% psychological, including why and how you trade and which system you will follow or build. 97% of traders (only 3% of traders are consistently successful) have a hard time or categorically refuse to “believe” this. The resistance is palpable. Only you can decide whether it is worth your time to learn what beliefs you hold : which ones are supporting your trading career and which ones are not. You must be willing to self inquire. This course is an INVALUABLE TOOL to guide you on the right track, the fastest even, track to success. I highly recommend it and will be suggesting it to our students also. You are lucky to have found this course! Enjoy it and happy success in your trading! ”

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Shashank Gonchigar

5 star rating

“I think this is first time a Trader has given actionable ideas with proof of working. Real eye opener. Course is to the point no beating around the bush. All the ideas are presented in a simple manner and can be implemented. Highly recommended.”

“I think this is first time a Trader has given actionable ideas with proof of working. Real eye opener. Course is to the point no beating around the bush. All the ideas are presented in a simple manner and can be implemented. Highly recommended.”

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mikkel larsen

5 star rating

“In this course Yvan explains how he set up his trading business in a very hands on way. He shows you his own trading strategies, results and how he´s able to sustain a healthy income buy supporting his trading with additional income from books and...”

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“In this course Yvan explains how he set up his trading business in a very hands on way. He shows you his own trading strategies, results and how he´s able to sustain a healthy income buy supporting his trading with additional income from books and courses, which again reduces the pressure on trading itself. I am a big fan of Yvan as he is being very transparent, honest, humble, straight to the point, and will help advise you on how to do this yourself. Yvan does everything in a simple fashion and breaks everything down step by step. There´s never any doubt on what to do, how to do it or where to go to and get it. He will explain everything to you. If you haven´t heard about this guy before, then I can thoroughly recommend you take this course. Besides this course Evan has other courses and books out that deals more with trading psychology, which is Yvan´s speciel field. The guy changed a lot of things in my trading and in my life already, you won´t find a more open "book" than this. ”

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Saurabh Srivastav

5 star rating

“This is by far the most honest trading course you would ever come across. It might not only change your whole approach towards trading, it might change you life per se! In the course, Yvan talks about his trading system and has opened up on how he...”

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“This is by far the most honest trading course you would ever come across. It might not only change your whole approach towards trading, it might change you life per se! In the course, Yvan talks about his trading system and has opened up on how he makes a living via trading business. There are enormous amounts of examples which will set you on the path if you trust. He not only talks and provides strategies, he "walks the talk " as well. Thumbs up for the course, Yvan. Go for it folks.”

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Kogulan Kanesanathan

5 star rating

“I want to Thank you for all you have taught me. The knowledge and wisdom you have imparted upon me from your last two courses have been a great help. I believe my success is at least in part due to your sincere support and Mentorship. Thank you Y...”

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“I want to Thank you for all you have taught me. The knowledge and wisdom you have imparted upon me from your last two courses have been a great help. I believe my success is at least in part due to your sincere support and Mentorship. Thank you YVAN.”

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